My name is Steven Ray, A.K.A. Stingray: the former Mississippi State Cowbell Clanging Ranter, as seen on Tosh.0 and across social media!! I was born and raised in Tuscaloosa and received a sports broadcasting degree from The University of Alabama in 2010. A little about The Stingray Show: September 2020 was our debut show on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and we started off with a bang. With over 300,000 views on The Stingray Show online, we are excited to bring our show to Tide 100.9. Our show will consist of a little bit of college football, basketball, and baseball X’s and O’s, but mostly it will be about great content and storytelling from some of the most iconic people in the sports industry including Tim Brando, Tom Luginbill, Mr. College Football Tony Barnhart, Mark Schlabach, Brock Hurard, Chris Low, Adam Rittenberg, Chris "Bear" Fallica from College Gameday, Dave Neal, Peter Burns, Dari Nowkhah, and many others including some former SEC players. We hope you enjoy the show. Guess What? You Don’t Want To Miss It!