The poll has closed in our first ever Tuscaloosa Rad Dads photo contest, presented by The Shrimp Basket.  Nearly 62,000 votes have been counted!

A special thanks to everyone who participated.  It's a game where those who excel in voting, don't rely solely on themselves.  They actively encourage and recruit voting from family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc.  A quick way to get that message out is through social media accounts, such as Facebook.    Whatever it takes to win the challenge.  We hope you had fun!

Now, to the winners!  The top 3 will each receive prizes.

1st and 2nd runner-ups both receive:

2014 Tuscaloosa Rad Dads 2nd Runner-Up: Robert Newels (6.756 votes)
2014 Tuscaloosa Rad Dads 1st Runner-Up: Chris Sherbett (22,348 votes)




The Grand Prize package for our Raddest Dad (valued at $550) includes:

2014 Tuscaloosa Rad Dads WINNER: Rodney Gilliam (26,449 votes)


Congrats to our winners, enjoy your prizes! Happy Father's Day!!

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