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Tayvia Woodfork had the surprise of her life while dining at a Golden Corral.


There were no issues with the buffet. In fact Tayvia said “I ain’t make it to the table”.

The woman had been having cramps and couldn’t move her legs. Tayvia made it to the Golden Corral restroom.

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Tayvia’s family went to the restroom to check on her. It was there that she birthed a 6 lb baby boy in the toilet.Family members quickly called paramedics.

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Golden Corral staff and customers broke into applause as mom & baby were taken out on a stretcher.

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Tayvia decided to name the baby boy Corral after the Arkansas restaurant. The Golden Corral showed their appreciation by showering mom & baby Corral with their own gift cards.

I think baby Corral should be allowed to eat free for life.

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Gallery Credit: Elizabeth Jackson

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Gallery Credit: Stacey Marcus

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