The Tide blew the game wide open in the bottom of the fifth inning. The scoring got started with a Denton double that sent Eblin home. Then, Hamiter took the top off with a three-run homer to right centerfield to make the score 8-1.
With Tuscaloosa in the heart of Braves Country, Atlanta has made the move to add The Joe to the list of places it would be taking its World Champions Trophy tour.
It’s often times like these I’m reminded sports are more than just a game. As Alabama baseball’s season comes to a close, I can’t help but feel such a bittersweet sadness. Any enthusiastic sports fan dreads the end of a season, but for me the feeling goes a little deeper than the ending of a NCAA tournament run.
In the second game of their series against Wright State (0-3, 0-0), and the first of a Saturday doubleheader, the Alabama Crimson Tide baseball team (5-1, 0-0) handily defeated the Raiders 8-7 after 11 innings. This secured a series victory for the Crimson Tide.
Jim and Patricia Myers narrowed down their list to as far as they could, trying to decide a name for their newborn son.
Ronald? Richard? Those names were taken by the baby boy’s older brothers. The name would begin with an “R” because they wanted to stay consistent, but that was as far as they knew...