Tide Pitchers Beaver and Briski Receive Weekly AwardsTide Pitchers Beaver and Briski Receive Weekly AwardsTwo of Alabama's Pitchers receive awards after performance against Ole MissJyesha NanceJyesha Nance
Virginia Tech first ever win against the TideVirginia Tech first ever win against the TideSoftball series recap against Virginia Techjnancejnance
Tide Sends Jackets to Watery GraveTide Sends Jackets to Watery GraveTeam 28 Off to 5-0 StartCary ClarkCary Clark
Tide Softball Traveling to Italy For Summer TourTide Softball Traveling to Italy For Summer TourAlabama softball is taking its third international trip in program history.Preston McAlhanyPreston McAlhany
Former Central Arkansas Pitcher Transfers to AlabamaFormer Central Arkansas Pitcher Transfers to AlabamaAlabama softball picks up a huge transfer out of the portal. Kim RankinKim Rankin