Bama Hate Has Seeped its Way Into Congressional Campaigns
For as much love and support as there is for college sports, and especially the University of Alabama here in Tuscaloosa, there's an equal amount of hatred for certain teams, certain sports, and the NCAA system as a whole floating around in the world.
Alabama is one of the rest of the country's favorite teams to hate. Maybe that has more to do with Alabama dominating the country's most popular sport, football, than anything else. It's easy to hate a team you can't beat. More recently, a lot of it surrounds the allegations surrounding Brandon Miller.
But now, Bama hate is creeping well outside the bounds of college football fandom and into a part of life that should have nothing to do with sports.
Congressional candidates are now taking shots at Alabama and Brandon Miller from their official campaign accounts to try to find some semblance of common with voters.
Parrish isn't offering what he'd do to hold Alabama accountable for the things he alleges and he isn't presenting this as part of a dialogue around any sort of legislation. He's just saying it to say it.
Let it not be lost on the public that Parrish is running for Congress in North Carolina's 5th District, which is very close to the University of North Carolina Asheville. UNC Asheville is projected to be Alabama's first opponent in the NCAA Tournament.